יום שישי, 21 בדצמבר 2018

Communities in Practice and Meet Ups

The latest topic of out course, Communities of Practice got me to think on the influence of social media, and the internet as a whole, on the way communities may interact.

One would expect that with the growth of social media and social networks, people will use those platforms to collaborate more, rather than actually meeting and socializing.

Facebook, Twitter, form platforms and other platforms promoted creation and fortification of communities of practice. In recent year, several websites that specialize in promoting community gatherings popped up: mainly meetup.com, everbrite, Facebook events and more.

Those meetings and gatherings complement the online platform in ways that let individuals to communicate directly without any means. One can converse with many other people easily by speaking, as opposed to typing and reading which is a heavier cognitive task.

So even though online social platforms play a major role in bridging different people from different geo-locations, face-to-face meetings are here to stay and both "platforms" can benefit from one another.

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